Water Potability Tests & Water Quality Testing Services
Test Packages:
Municipal drinking water: FCT, BPT, CPT, CMS BSV.
Municipal water chemical quality: WSCT, PCM, CQT, BQT, & BMT.
Water from Purifiers: CWF, HWF, HRO, BTLP, & ROP, BPT, CPT.
Bottled Drinking Water: BWP, ROP, & HRO.
Water for Food Processing: CPT, GPT, GWSP, BWP, & ROP
Dialysis water / Purified water: DRF, DLB, & DLBET.
Groundwater: GPT, GWSP, ROF, GW15P, GW22P, IRGW, & GWQT.
Irrigation Water: IRGW.
Hydroponics: HYPON.
Water for livestock, poultry & fishery: LSFW, PLFW, FISHP.
Surface water: BGHW, SWUBC, SWPT, SW11P, SW15P, SW25P, IRGW, SWQT, SOD.
Industrial & Construction water: WBPJ, WBC, WSCT, & CTW.
Swimming pool: PST, PWC, & PWB.
Account Details for Payment of Testing Charges:
Account No: 10261567579; IFSC: SBIN0011664
Account Type: Current Account
State Bank of India, IE Branch, Kukatpally.
Beneficiary: Institute of Health Systems
Or Scan & Pay
Reports will be delivered by email or WhatsApp. Printed copies can be collected from the IHS Laboratory - Front Office. For delivery by courier service, please pay courier charges in addition to test service charge.
Source & Purpose Oriented Water Quality Test Packages:
Select test package by matching source of sample & purpose of testing (client concerns / intended uses case) for reporting of appropriate reference values, notes & recommendations. Splitting of packages is not allowed. Topping up by addition of single or limited parameter(s) is allowed.
Sl | SvCd | Test Package | Source; Purpose | Scope (Included Test Parameters) | Sample Vol. & Bottle | Service Charge | Dwnld | |
Sensory, Physical & Chemical | Microbial | |||||||
FCT | Faecal Contamination Test | Deep borewell / municipal / treated / filtered / purified / bottled water; to rule-out faecal contamination of drinking water. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹600 |
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CWF | Ceramic / Candle Water Filter tests | Ceramic & candle filter water; economical package to check potability. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH EC & Fluoride. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 500 ml in CBWM + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹700 | ||
HWF | Household Water Filter tests | Domestic Ultra ± UV filter water; economical package to check potability. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH & EC. Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate & Fluoride & Boron. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹1300 |
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HRO | Household RO water purifier | Domestic RO purifier water; economical package to check potability. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH & EC. Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Fluoride, Boron, Chloride, Sulfate & Sodium. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹1700 | ||
BWP | Bottled Water Potability | Bottled / canned water; economical package to check potability & assess product quality. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC; Hardness, Ca, Mg, Nitrate, Fluoride, Boron, Chloride, Sulfate, Iron, Manganese, & Sodium. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD Or Intact water can/bottle. | ₹2000 |
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ROP | RO product water Profile | RO Product water; cost-effective package for various use cases. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH & EC, Total Solids-Dried; Alkalinity, Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Fluoride, Boron, Chloride, Sulfate, Iron, Manganese, & Sodium. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES; & AMC. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2500 |
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BPT | Basic Potability Tests | Municipal / deep borewell water; economical package to check potability. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH & EC. Hardness, Ca, Mg, Nitrate, Fluoride, Boron, Chloride, & Sulfate. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹1400 |
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CPT | City-water Potability Tests | Municipal water; cost-effective package to check for potability, domestic use, & vulnerability assessment. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG; Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Fluoride, Boron, Chloride & Sulfate. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2100 |
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GPT | Groundwater Potability Tests | Domestic borewell water; cost-effective package to check for potability, domestic use, & vulnerability assessment. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG; Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Fluoride, Boron, Chloride, Sulfate, Iron & Manganese. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2400 |
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GWSP | Groundwater Source-profile & Potability. | Water from borewell in various locations; to scope profile & potability for source selection, suitability for multiple use cases, project planning & monitoring, etc. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG. Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Fluoride, Boron, Chloride, Sulfate, Phosphate, Iron Manganese, Silica, Sodium, SAR, Calcium Magnesium activity Ratio (CaMgR) & Chloride to Sulfate Activity Ratio. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 2 × 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹3200 | ||
ROF | RO plant Feedwater | Borewell- / Surface- / Brackish-water; for RO plant design, perf assmt & monit feedwater quality. | Colour, Odour, pH & Turbidity, EC & TDSG; Alkalinity, Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Fluoride, Chloride, Sulfate, Phosphate, Iron, Manganese, Silica, Oil & Grease. | MPN (Total coliforms), Detcn. of FC, & E. coli; & AMC. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2400 | ||
LABW | Water for Laboratory Use | Multi-stage purified water for various general laboratory use cases. | pH & EC; Total Solids, Dried (TSD), & Silica. | Standard Plate Count. | 500 ml in CBWM + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹750 | ||
SWPT | Surface Water Profile Tests | Water from surface water bodies like river, reservoir, lake, tank; wetland; for various use cases. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG, TSS, Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Chloride, Fluoride & Sulfate, Phosphate, Sodium, Potassium; Oil & Grease; SAR & BOD. | MPN (Total coliforms), Detcn. of FC, & E. coli. | 2 × 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹3400 | ||
BGHW | Bathing Ghat Water | Water from bathing ghats in surface water bodies like river, lake, tank; for ritual / organised bathing, swimming, immersive water sports, etc. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC & BOD. | MPN (Total coliforms) & MPN (Faecal coliforms). | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹1100 | ||
ULKW | Urban Lake Water | Water from urban water bodies & wetlands; for environmental monitoring. | Colour, Odour, Temperature, Turbidity, pH, EC; NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Total Oxidised Nitrogen [(NO2+NO3)-N], Phosphate, Dissolved Oxygen by Titration & BOD. | MPN (Total coliforms) & MPN (Faecal coliforms). | 2 × 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2000 | ||
SWUC | Surface Water Use-based Classification as per CPCB guidelines | River / reservoir water; for designated best use classification, source selection, monitoring etc. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC; Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Sodium, Potassium, Boron, Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Dissolved Oxygen by Titration & BOD. | MPN (Total coliforms), Detcn. of FC, & E. coli. | 2 × 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2200 | ||
RAINH | Rain Harvest Analysis | Roof-top / surface-runoff rainwater harvest; for treatment planning & utilisation options. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC, TDSG, TSS; Iron, COD & BOD. | MPN (Total coliforms), Detcn. of FC, & E. coli; Standard Plate Count. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹1800 | ||
IRGW | Irrigation Water tests | Groundwater / Surface water; agriculture, horticulture by surface irrigation. | Appearance, Turbidity, pH, EC; Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, Mg, Nitrate, Fluoride, Boron, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Sulfate, Phosphate; Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC) Activity, Mg/Ca Activity Ratio & Cl/SO4 Activity Ratio (CSAR). | None | 2 × 1.0L in CBWS | ₹2100 | ||
HYPON | Water for Hydroponic Cultivation | Rain harvest / RO / Municipal / Borewell water; for hydroponic cultivation. | Colour, Turbidity, pH, EC; Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Total Oxidised Nitrogen [(NO2+NO3)-N], Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Sulfate, Phosphate, Boron; Iron & Manganese. | None | 2 × 1.0L in CBWS | ₹2300 | ||
LSFW | Livestock Feed Water | Borewell / open well / stream / lake / tank / pond / canal water; for farm animals, dairy cattle & livestock. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC, TDSG; Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Total Oxidised Nitrogen [(NO2+NO3)-N], Fluoride, Chloride, Sulfate. | MPN (Total coliforms) & MPN (E. coli). | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2200 | ||
PLFW | Poultry Feed Water | Borewell / municipal water; for poultry feed water system. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC, TDSG; Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Total Oxidised Nitrogen [(NO2+NO3)-N], Fluoride, Boron, Chloride, Sulfate. | MPN (Total coliforms), MPN (E. coli) & Aerobic Microbial Count. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2300 | ||
FISHP | Fish Pond Water | Pond / Tank / Lake water; for freshwater fishery. | Appearance, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC, TDSG; Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Total Oxidised Nitrogen [(NO2+NO3)-N], Chloride, Sulfate, Phosphate & BOD. | None | 1.0L in CBWS | ₹2100 | ||
CMS | Coliforms in live Municipal Supply. | Live municipal / metro water supply at consumer-end; for voluntary monitoring, community & citizen surveillance of faecal contamination events. | None | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 250ml in SBTD | ₹600 | ||
PCM | Physico-Chemical Monitoring of municipal supply. | Live municipal / metro water supply at consumer-end; for scoping & monitoring of municipal / metro water quality. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG; Alkalinity, Hardness, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Fluoride & Chloride. | None | 1.0L in CBWS | ₹1300 | ||
BSV | Basic System Vulnerability paired sample tests | Live municipal / metro supply at consumer-end & paired sample from concerned service reservoir; to study sanitary status of water distribution network. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, & TDSG; NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Chloride. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in SBTD | ₹2400 /2-samples +onsite charges |
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DRF | Dialysis-medical RO - Feed water tests | Designated source water for medical / dialysis RO system; to design dialysis/medical RO plant & for operational monitoring. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG; Total Chlorine, Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Nitrate, Fluoride, Sulfate, Iron & Silica. | MPN (Total coliforms), Detcn. of FC, & E. coli | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2200 |
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DLB | DiaLysis water Basic tests | Water from dialysis room supply line; for patient safety. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH & EC; Total Chlorine, Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Fluoride, Sulfate, Sodium & Potassium. | Total Viable Count (TVC). | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹1600 |
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DLBET | Dialysis water Bacterial Endotoxin Test | Water from dialysis machine supply line; to monitor endotoxin level for patient safety. | None | Bacterial Endotoxin (LAL) Assay @ 0.125 EU/ml. | 14ml in NPT | ₹4000 |
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PST | Swimming Poolside Tests | Swimming pool & makeup water; for bather safety & operational monitoring. | pH, Water Temperature & Clarity; Free, Combined & Total Chlorine, ORP & Pool Observation Report. | None. | None. | CC ₹1500 GH: ₹1800 |
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PWC | Swimming Pool Water Chemistry | Swimming pool & makeup water; for bather safety & operational monitoring. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity; pH, EC & TDSG; Alkalinity, Hardness, Calcium Hardness, Chloride, Iron & Calcite (Langelier) Saturation Index at 25°C. | None | 2 X 1.0L in ABWS | ₹1100 |
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PWBM | Pool Water Bacteriological Monitoring | Swimming pool & makeup water; for bather safety & routine monitoring. | None | Standard Plate Count, MPN (Total coliforms), Detcn. of FC, & E. coli. | 250ml in SBTP | ₹1000 |
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WBPJ | Water for Building & Construction Projects. | Project site borewell water; for building construction & drinking. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC, TDSG & TSS, Acidity, Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Chloride, Fluoride, Boron, Sulphate, Iron & Manganese. | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2200 | ||
WBC | Water for Building Construction. | Site-sourced water such as borewell / open well / pond / bog / marsh / wetland, recycled / grey water; for building, concrete & construction. | Colour, pH, EC, TDSG & TSS, Acidity, Alkalinity, Chloride, Sulphate & Iron. | None | 1.0L in CBWS | ₹1000 | ||
WSCT | Water Scaling & Corrosivity Tests | Groundwater, Drinking Water, Industrial Water; for assessment of scaling and corrosion potential. | Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG, Hardness, Alkalinity, Calcium, Nitrate, Chlorides, & Sulfate. Computation of Calcite (Langelier) Saturation Index, Chloride-to-Sulfate Mass Ratio (CSMR) to assess potential to promote galvanic corrosion (PPGC) ∓ Larson-Skold Ratio (LSKI). | Standard Plate Count | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹1600 | ||
CTW | Cooling Tower Water | Circulating & make-up water in cooling towers; for trouble free operation. | pH, EC, Turbidity, TSS & TDSG; P-Alkalinity, Total-Alkalinity, CO3, HCO3 & OH; Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Chlorides, Sulfate, Iron, Manganese, Silica, COD & Calcite Saturation Index (CSI) aka Langelier Saturation Index (LSI). | Standard Plate Count | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2100 | ||
Surface & Ground Water Quality Monitoring Packages: | ||||||||
SW11P | Surface Water, CPCB 11-Parameter set. | River / reservoir / lake water; for trend monitoring; as per CPCB 2017 guidelines. | Colour, Odour, Temperature, pH, EC; Nitrite, Nitrate, (NO2 + NO3)-N, Dissolved Oxygen by Titration & BOD. | MPN (Total coliforms), & MPN (Faecal coliforms). | 2 × 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹1600 | ||
SW15P | Surface Water, CPCB 15-Parameter set. | River / reservoir / lake water; for trend monitoring as per CPCB 2007 guidelines. | Colour, Odour, Temperature, Turbidity, pH, EC; NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, (NO2 + NO3)-N, Chloride, Phosphate, Dissolved Oxygen by Titration, COD & BOD. | MPN (Total coliforms), & MPN (Faecal coliforms). | 2 × 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2400 | ||
SW25P | Surface Water, CPCB 25-Parameter set. | River / reservoir water; for baseline, pre-monsoon trend monitoring & trend monitoring of flux-points with known exposure to inflow of massive pollutants, & hotspots where one or more parameters are beyond IS10500 permissible limits; as per CPCB 2017 guidelines. | Colour, Odour, Temperature, Turbidity, pH, EC & & TDSG, Alkalinity, Carbonate, Bicarbonate, Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Total Oxidised Nitrogen [(NO2+NO3)-N], Chloride, Fluoride & Sulfate, Phosphate, Boron, Sodium, Potassium, Dissolved Oxygen by Titration, COD & BOD. | MPN (Total coliforms), & MPN (Faecal coliforms). | 2 × 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹3700 | ||
GW15P | Groundwater, CPCB 15-Parameter set. | Groundwater; for environmental monitoring; as per CPCB 2017 guidelines. | Colour, Odour, Temp., Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG; Nitrite, Nitrate, (NO2 + NO3)-N, Phosphate, Chloride, Fluoride, Boron. | MPN (Total coliforms), & MPN (Faecal coliforms). | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2000 | ||
GW22P | Groundwater, CPCB 22-Parameter set. | Groundwater; for environmental monitoring; as per CPCB 2017 guidelines . | Colour, Odour, Temp., Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG; Nitrite, Nitrate, (NO2 + NO3)-N, Alkalinity, CO3-2, HCO3-1, Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Sulfate, Phosphate, Fluoride & Boron. | MPN (Total coliforms), & MPN (Faecal coliforms). | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹2900 | ||
Wastewater - Test Packages: | ||||||||
RJM | Reverse osmosis reJect water Minerals | RO Reject water for utilisation potential, RO perf assessment & disposal. | pH, EC & TDSG; Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Chloride, Sulfate, Phosphate, Iron, Manganese, Sodium & Boron. | None | 1.0L in CBWS | ₹1700 |
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SEPJ | Seepage wastewater | Cellar/pit seepage, water; for identifying probable source & exploring use cases. | Appearance, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC; Ammonia-Nitrogen, Nitrite, Nitrate, Chloride, Phosphate, Total Oil & Grease. | MPN (Total coliforms), Detcn. of FC, & E. coli | 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in SBTW | ₹1500 | ||
EFTB | Effluent Tests - Basic | Industrial / trade effluents & wastewater; for treatment efficacy monitoring. | Appearance, Odour, pH, TSS, TDSG, Ammoniacal-Nitrogen, Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Oil & Grease. | None | 1.0L in CBWS | ₹2200 | ||
PRWNE | Post-harvest Prawn/shrimp Processing Effluent tests | Wastewater from prawn processing facilities; to explore alternate use cases & for environmental compliance. | Appearance, pH, TSS, TDSG), Total Solids (TSS + TDSG), Ammoniacal-Nitrogen by Titration, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Phosphate, Oil & Grease, COD & BOD. | None | 2 X 1.0L in CBWS | ₹2200 | ![]() |
EDPS | Effluent Discharge to Public Sewers | Industrial / trade effluents & wastewater discharges to public sewers; for environmental monitoring / compliance / surveillance. | Appearance, Odour, pH, EC, TSS, Ammoniacal-Nitrogen (NH3T), Fluoride, Iron, Manganese, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Oil & Grease. | MPN (Total coliforms), & MPN (Faecal coliforms). | 2 X 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in SBTW | ₹2000 | ||
EDWB | Effluent Discharge to in-land Water Bodies | Industrial / trade effluents & wastewater discharges to inland surface water bodies; for environmental monitoring / compliance / surveillance. | Appearance, Odour, pH, TSS, Ammoniacal-Nitrogen (NH3T), Nitrate-N, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), Fluoride, Phosphate, Sulphide, Iron, Manganese, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), & Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). | None | 2 X 1.0L in CBWS | ₹3000 | ||
STPE | Sewage Treatment Plant - Effluent | Treated effluent from sewage treatment plant; for treatment efficacy monitoring, compliance / surveillance. | Appearance, Odour, pH, EC, TSS, Ammoniacal-Nitrogen (NH3T), Nitrate-Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), Fluoride, Phosphate, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Oil & Grease. | MPN (Total coliforms), & MPN (Faecal coliforms). | 2 X 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in SBTW | ₹2800 | ||
CTEQ | Common Treated Effluent Quality | Wastewater outlets of common effluent treatment plants; for treatment efficacy monitoring, compliance / surveillance. | Appearance, Odour, pH, TSS, Total Solids-Dried (TSD), Ammoniacal-Nitrogen (NH3T), Nitrate-Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), Fluoride, Chloride, Sulfate, Phosphate, Sulphide, Iron, Manganese, Total Chlorine, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Oil & Grease. | None | 2 X 1.0L in CBWS + 250ml in SBTW | ₹3500 | ||
Notes: Test-samples should be accompanied by a water sample collection record (WCR1) giving details regarding place and source of sample, etcetera; and a test requisition letter (TRL1). Both forms can be downloaded from this page. |
Client-Defined Chemical Quality Test Packages:
The following physical and chemical quality test packages emerged out of client-preference over time, asking for only physical & chemical quality parameters included in various source-purpose packages, for various client-intended use case. Clients choosing these packages are expected to interpret the test results in accordance with requirements and specification of intended uses cases. However, the IHS Laboratory may provide some inputs for interpretation, wherever feasible.
Sl | SvCd | Test Package | Source; Purpose | Scope: Sensory, Physical & General Chemical Parameters) | Sample Vol. & Bottle | Service Charge | Dwnld | |
BMT | Basic Mineral Tests | Borewell, municipal supply, tanker water, surface water; to know physical & general chemical quality for client-intended use cases. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG; Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Fluoride & Chloride. | 1.0L in CBWS | ₹1000 |
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BQT | Basic chemical Quality Tests | Borewell, municipal supply, tanker water, surface water; to know physical & general chemical quality for client-intended use cases. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH & EC; Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrate, Fluoride, Chloride & Boron. | 1.0L in CBWS | ₹1100 |
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CQT | City-water chemical Quality Tests | Tap water; to know physical & general chemical quality for client-intended use cases. | Colour, Odour, pH, Turbidity, EC & TDSG. Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Chloride, Fluoride, Sulfate & Boron. | 1.0L in CBWS | ₹1800 | |||
GWQT | Groundwater chemical Quality Tests | Groundwater; to know physical & general chemical quality for client-intended use cases. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, pH, EC & TDSG. Alkalinity, Hardness, Ca, Mg, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Fluoride, Chloride, Sulfate, Boron, Iron Manganese, Silica, Sodium, Potassium & SAR. | 1.0L in CBWS | ₹1500 | |||
SWQT | Surface water general chemical Quality Tests | Water from surface water bodies like river, reservoir, lake, tank; wetland; general chemical quality; for various use cases. | Colour, Odour, Turbidity, TSS, pH, EC & TDS, P-Alkalinity, Total Alkalinity, Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Ammoniacal-Nitrogen, Nitrite, Nitrate, Chloride, Fluoride & Sulfate, Phosphate, Sodium, Potassium; Oil & Grease; and Computation of SAR. | 2 X 1.0L in CBWS | ₹2600 | |||
SOD | Surface water Oxygen Demand | Water from surface water bodies like river, reservoir, lake, tank; wetland; oxygen demand tests for various use cases. | Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) & Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). | 300ml in BODB + 1.0L in CBWS | ₹1000 |
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Notes: Test-samples should be accompanied by a water sample collection record (WCR1) giving details regarding place and source of sample, etcetera; and a test requisition letter (TRL1). Both forms can be downloaded from this page. |
Chemical Laboratory (ChemLab): Single & Limited Parameter Water Quality Tests:
Sl | SvCd | Test Service | Parameter(s) & Relevance in brief. | Sample Vol, Btl & Rmk. | Service Charge |
APP | Appearance | Apparent colour of unfiltered sample. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹40 | |
ATC | Appearance & True Colour | Appearance of unfiltered sample & True colour of filtered sample in PCU. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹100 | |
ODR | Odour | Smell, observed by lab personnel. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹50 | |
NTU | Turbidity | Turbidity | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹100 | |
PHV | pH | pH Value | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹60 | |
ECS | Eelectrical Conductivity | Electrical Conductivity (Salinity) aka Specific Conductance as µS/cm. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹60 | |
ECH | EC & pH | Electrical Conductivity (Salinity) & pH Value | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹100 | |
ORP | Oxidation Reduction Potential | Swimming pool / cooling tower water. | Onsite charge+ | ₹100 | |
TDSE | TDS range Estimate | Electrical conductivity (EC) & EC-based estimate of TDS-range. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹75 | |
TDSG | TDS Quantitative, mg/L | Quantitative measurement of total dissolved solids (TDS) by gravimetry as mg/L. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹200 | |
TSS | TSS mg/L | Total Suspended Solids as mg/L. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹200 | |
TSC | Total Solids - Calculated from components. | (TSS + TDSG) mg/L. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹400 | |
TSD | Total Solids - Dried | Total solids from water dried at 104±1°C. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹350 | |
FRCV | Free Residual Chlorine by Visual comparison. | Free residual chlorine using DPD reagent & visual comparision with reference DPD colour chart (FRCV). | Onsite charge+ | ₹40 | |
FACL | Free Available Chlorine by Colorimeter | Free residual chlorine by chlorine colorimeter and instrument grade DPD. | Onsite charge+ | ₹250 | |
TCL | Total Chlorine by Colorimeter | Total chlorine by chlorine colorimeter and instrument grade DPD tablet. | Onsite charge+ | ₹250 | |
CLM | Chloramines (Combined Chlorine) | Total & free chlorine & chloramines (combined chlorine) using chlorine colorimeter & instrument grade DPD tablets. | Onsite charge+ | ₹500 | |
ACD | Acidity | Acidity | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹250 | |
PALK | P Alkalinity as CaCO3 as mg/L | Phenolphthalein Alkalinity as CaCO3 component of water with pH ≥8.3. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹50 | |
MALK | M -Alkalinity as CaCO3 as mg/L. Since water | Methyl orange alkalinity (MAlk) as CaCO3. When PAlk=0, MAlk equals Total Alkalinity. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹200 | |
ALK | Alkalinity by type, as CaCO3 mg/L | P Alkalinity (PAlk), M -Alkalinity, & Total Alkalinity (TAlk) as CaCO3. A single figure reported as Alkalinity means, PAlk=0 and Alkalinity = MAlk = TAlk. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹250 | |
CAlk | Carbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L. | Calculated from PAlk & TAlk. Buffers pH level in water, prevents corrosion and precipitates toxic metals from water. | Topup ALK | ₹50 | |
CO3Ion | Carbonate Ion as CO3-2 meq/L | Carbonate Ion (CO3-2) calculated from CAlk, as meq/L, mmol/L Or mg/L. | Topup ALK | ₹100 | |
HCO3Alk | Bicarbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L. | Calculated from PAlk & TAlk. Helps neutralize acids and maintain stable pH. Dominant buffering agent in most freshwaters. | Topup ALK | ₹50 | |
HCO3Ion | Bicarbonate Ion (HCO3-1). | Bicarbonate Ion (HCO3-1) calculated from HCO3Alk, as meq/L, mmol/L Or mg/L. | Topup ALK | ₹100 | |
OHAlk | Hydroxide Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L | Calculated from PAlk & TAlk. Indicates, the water may have caustic alklais such as NaOH & KOH and/or other hydroxides such as LiOH, CsOH. | Topup ALK | ₹50 | |
TWH | Total Hardness as CaCO3 | Total water hardness as CaCO3. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹250 | |
CO3H | Carbonate Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L (aka Temporary Hardness) | Carbonate hardness is mostly due bicarbonate salts like Ca(HCO3)2 & Mg(HCO3)2. Known as temporary hardness because boiling, addition lime (CaO) and/or lime water [Ca(OH)2] removes the carbonates from water. Carbonate hardness is equal to the total hardness or alkalinity, whichever is less. | Topup ALK & TWH | ₹50 | |
NCH | Non-carbonate Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L (aka Permanent Hardness). | Noncarbonated hardness is mostly due to salts like CaCl2, MgCl2, CaSO4 & MgSO4. Known as permanent hardness because these salts cannot be removed by boiling of water or adding lime to water. It is the total hardness in excess of the alkalinity. | Topup ALK & TWH | ₹50 | |
CAH | Calcium Hardness as CaCO3 | Calcium Hardness as CaCO3. Calcium hardness is related to both temporary {Ca(HCO3)2] and permanent [CaCl2 / CaSO4] hardness of water. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹250 | |
CLC | Calcium as Ca2+ mg/L. | Calcium as Ca2+ mg/L. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹250 | |
MGC | Magnesium Calculation | Calculation of Mg as Mg2+ from Hardness & Calcium. | Topup TWH & CAH / CLC | ₹100 | |
MGM | Magnesium as Mg2+ | Magnesium as Mg2+ (Standalone parameter). | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹600 | |
THM | TWH as CaCO3, Ca2+ & Mg2+ | Total water hardness, Calcium as Ca2+ & Magneisum as Mg2+. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹600 | |
THC | TWH & Components. | Total Hardness, Carbonate Hardness aka Temporary Hardness (CO3H) & Non‑carbonate Hardness aka Permanent Hardness (NCH). | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹600 | |
THC | TWH & Components, Calcium Hardness, Magnesium Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium. | Total Hardness, Carbonate Hardness aka Temporary Hardness (CO3H) & Non‑carbonate Hardness aka Permanent Hardness (NCH). | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹600 | |
HCC | Hardness Components - Calculation | Calculation of Carbonate (Temporary) Hardness (CO3H) & Noncarbonate (Permanent) Hardness (NCH) Components from Total Hardness & Akalinity. | Topup TWH & ALK | ₹100 | |
NH3T | Ammonia by Titration | Ammoniacal Nitrogen NH3-N by Titrimetric method. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹500 | |
NH3P | Ammonia by Phenate method | Ammoniacal Nitrogen NH3-N by Phenate method. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹400 | |
TKN | Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen | Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen | 1L in CBWS | ₹850 | |
NO2 | Nitrite mg/L | Nitrite as NO2 mg/L. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹300 | |
NO3 | Nitrate mg/L | Nitrate as NO3 mg/L. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹300 | |
TON | Total Oxidised Nitrogen (NO2+NO3)-N. | Calculation of TON as (NO2 + NO3)-N, mg/L from test results for Nitrite as NO2 Nitrate as NO3 mg/L. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹100 | |
ANN | NH3, NO2 & NO3 | Ammoniacal-N by Phenate method, Nitrite as NO2 and Nitrate as NO3. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹1000 | |
TNN | Total Nitrogen | TNN = [ TKN + (NO2 + NO3)-N mg/L ] = [ TKN + (NO2 × 0.30446) + (NO3 × 0.2259) ] mg/L. | 2 × 1L in CBWS | ₹1450 | |
CLD | Chloride | Chloride - Argentometric Method. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹250 | |
FLDQ | Fluoride - Quantitative | Quantitative spectrophotometry for Fluorides. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹350 | |
IRN | Iron | Quantitative spectrophotometry for Iron (Fe). | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹300 | |
MNG | Manganese | Quantitative spectrophotometry for Manganese (Mn). | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹300 | |
IMN | Iron & Manganese | Quantitative spectrophotometry for Iron & Manganese. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹500 | |
BRN | Boron | Boron in water. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹300 | |
PO4 | Phosphate | Phosphate. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹400 | |
SO4 | Sulfate | Sulfate. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹300 | |
S2D | Sulfide | Sulfide as Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S). | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹500 | |
SIW | Silica in Water | Silica in Water. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹400 | |
NAT | Sodium | Sodium (Na). | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹300 | |
KAL | Potassium | Potassium (K). | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹300 | |
NAK | Sodium & Potassium | Sodium & Potassium. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹500 | |
CSI | Calcite (CaCO3) Saturation Index aka Langelier Saturation Index (LSI). | Computation of CSI / LSI = (pH - pHs), using test results for pH, Ca, Alkalinity & TDSG to compute pHs at water temperature = 25°C (default) or as per client's choice from available temperature options: 0°C ... + 5°C increments till 90°C. | Topup PHV, Ca, Alk & TDSG. | ₹300 | |
LSKI | Larson-Skold Index aka Larson Ratio, meq. | Computation of LSKI using test results for Chloride, Sulfate, Alkalinity; to characterise corrosion potential. | Topup CLD, SO4 & ALk | ₹300 | |
CSMR | Chloride to Sulfate Mass Ratio (CSMR), mg. | Computation of Cl/SO4 Mass Ratio (CSMR) using test results for Chloride & Sulfate; to assess in conjuction with test result for Alkalinity, the potential to promote galvanic corrosion (PPGC). | Topup CLD, SO4 & ALK | ₹100 | |
SAR | Sodium Adsorption Ratio | Computation of Sodium Adsorption Ratio, meq, from test results for Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+; to assess the sodium hazard of irrigation water. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹300 | |
RSC | Residual Sodium Carbonate, meq/L. | Computation of RSC, meq/L, to assess alkalinity hazard of irrigation water. | Topup ALK & CLC & MGM | ₹200 | |
MgCaR | Magnesium Calcium (Mg/Ca) activity Ratio, meq. | Computation of MgCaR; to assess magnesium problems in irrigation water. | Topup CLC & MGM | ₹100 | |
CSAR | Chloride-to-Sulfate Activity Ratio, meq. | Computation of CSAR; to assess salinity characteristics of irrigation water. | Topup CLD & SO4 | ₹100 | |
DOT | Dissolved O2 by Titration | Dissolved oxygen by titration (Winkler) method. | 300ml in BODB | ₹250 | |
COD | COD | Chemical Oxygen Demand. | 1L in CBWS | ₹600 | |
BOD | BOD | Biochemical Oxygen Demand. | 1L in CBWS | ₹900 | |
TOG | Total Oil & Grease | Total Oil & Grease. | 0.5L in CBWM | ₹400 | |
SWTMP | Surface Water Temperature | Onsite measurement of temperature in surface water bodies such as lakes & reservoirs. | Onsite charge+ | ₹150 | |
BWELT | Borewell Water Temperature | Onsite measurement of borewell water temperature. | Onsite charge+ | ₹100 | |
POOLT | Pool Temperature | Onsite measurement of swimming pool water temperature. | Onsite charge+ | ₹100 | |
SBTLT | Sample Bottle Temperature | External temperature of water sample bottle at the time of receipt in laboratory. | Recvd Sample Bottle | ₹50 | |
Notes: Test-samples should be accompanied by a water sample collection record (WCR1) giving details regarding place and source of sample, etcetera; and a test requisition letter (TRL1). Both forms can be downloaded from this page. One WCR1 for each sample. A single TRL1 listing multiple samples on same date and from same client would suffice. Onsite charge +: The test service charge in these case is over and above onsite visit charge. |
Microbiology Laboratory (BioLab): Single & Limited Parameter Water Quality Tests:
Sl | SvCd | Test Service | Parameter(s) / Test Method | Sample Vol. & Bottle | Service Charge |
SPC | Standard Plate Count | Nutrient Agar & 24h incubation at 37°C (IS 1622 - 1981, RA 2019, cl 3.2). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹350 | |
AMC | Aerobic Microbial Count | Plate Count Agar (PCA) & 24h incubation at 37°C (IS 5402 - 2012 RA 2018 / ISO 4833 - 2003 rw IS 14543 - 2024). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹350 | |
HPC | Heterotrophic Plate Count | Plate Count Agar (PCA) & 72h incubation at 30°C (IS 5402 - 2012 RA 2018 / ISO 4833 - 2003). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹500 | |
CPC | Cold Plate Count | Plate Count Agar (PCA) & 72h incubation at 21±1°C (IS 5402 - 2012 RA 2018 / ISO 2003 rw IS 14543 - 2024). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹550 | |
TVC | Total Viable Count | Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) & 48h incubation at 36±1°C (IS 17646 Part(3) - 2021 / ISO 23500-3, 2019). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹450 | |
EC100 | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by MF/ES. | Detection of Total coliforms & E. coli in 100 ml sample; by membrane filtration (IS 15185, 2016 RA 2021 / ISO 9308-1, 2014) OR Enzyme substrate method (APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 9223 B. Enzyme Substrate Test, 4.a Presence-absence procedure). Chosen method will be specified in report. | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹600 | |
EC100ES | Detcn. of TC & E. coli in 100 ml by ESA. | Enzyme substrate autoanalysis (ESA) for detection of total coliforms (TC) & E. coli (APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 9223 B. Enzyme Substrate Test, 4.a Presence-absence procedure). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹600 | |
EPNEC | EPN of TC & E. coli. | Multi-tube enzyme substrate based probable number of of total coliforms (TC) & E. coli (APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 9223 B. Enzyme Substrate Test, 4.b Multiple-tube procedure). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹700 | |
MPNTC | MPN (Total coliforms) | Most probable number (Total coliforms) by multi-tube dilution & fermentation method (IS 1622 - 1981, RA2019, cl 3.3.1). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹500 | |
FCDMT | FC detcn. by multi-tube ferment. | Detection of Faecal (Thermotolerant) coliforms by multi-tube dilution & fermentation (IS 1622 - 1981, RA2019, cl & 3.3.3). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹600 | |
ECDMT | E. coli detcn. by multi-tube ferment. | Detection of E. coli by multi-tube dilution & fermentation (IS 1622 - 1981,RA2019, cl 3.3.4). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹700 | |
BCT | Basic Coliform Tests | MPN (Total coliforms), Detection of Faecal coliforms (FCDMT) & E. coli (ECDMT) by multi-tube dilution & fermentation. | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹700 | |
MPNFC | MPN (Faecal coliforms) by multi-tube ferment. | Most Probable Number of Faecal (Thermotolerant) by multi-tube dilution & fermentation (IS 1622 - 1981,RA2019, cl | 250ml in CSB / SBT | ₹900 | |
MPNEC | MPN (E. coli) by multi-tube ferment. | Most Probable Number of (E. coli) by multi-tube dilution & fermentation (IS 1622 - 1981, RA 2019, cl 3.3.4). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹900 | |
EC100MF | E. coli detcn. in 100 ml, by membrane filtration. | Detection of Total coliforms & E. coli in 100 ml sample; by membrane filtration (IS 15185, 2016 RA 2021 / ISO 9308-1, 2014). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹600 | |
YMDMF | Yeast & Mould detcn. by membrane filtration. | Detection of Yeast & Mould by membrane filtration (IS 5403, 1999 RA 2018 / ISO 7954). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹700 | |
SLDMF | Salmonella detcn. by membrane filtration. | Detection of Salmonella by membrane filtration (IS 15187, 2016 RA 2021 / ISO 19250, 2010). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹1,000 | |
PADMF | P. aeruginosa detcn. by membrane filtration. | Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by membrane filtration (IS 13428, 2024). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹900 | |
SADMF | S. aureus detection by membrane filtration. | Detection of Staphylococcus aureus by membrane filtration (IS 5887 (Part 2), 1976 RA 2022). | 250ml in CSBF / SBTD | ₹800 | |
Notes: Test-samples should be accompanied by a water sample collection record (WCR1) giving details regarding place and source of sample, etcetera; and a test requisition letter (TRL1). Both forms can be downloaded from this page. |
Water Sample Collection Bottles:
Sample collection bottles can be picked up from the IHS Laboratory Front-Office during and outside office hours. A few of the regularly needed sample collection bottles such as CBWS to collect sample for chemical analysis and SBT to collect samples for bacteriological analysis are kept at the IHS Lab Front-Office and the Security Guards are trained to deliver these to needy clients visiting outside office hours. Please pay the refundable bottle deposit money to the Security Guard, and leave your name & contact number for adjustment of bottle deposit.
If you call us in advance, a separate package of sample collection bottles will be kept with the Security Guard on duty for you to collect outside office hours.
Sl | SBCd | Bottle Name | Details | Volume | BD! |
Sterile Bottles Prepared / Provided by the Microbiology Laboratory (BioLab): | |||||
CSBF | Clean Sterile Bottle for Freshwater | Clean sterile rigid polypropylene bottle without any additive for Freshwater / purified water known to be free of chlorine. | 250ml | ₹50 | |
SBTD | Sterile Bottle with Thiosulfate for Drinking / Fresh water. | Sterile rigid polypropylene bottle with sodium thiosulfate to neutralise upto 5ppm chlorine, for microbial analysis of chlorinated drinking water. Can also be used for unchlorinated fresh water. | 250ml | ₹50 | |
SBTP | Sterile Bottle with Thiosulfate for swimming Pool water. | Sterile polypropylene bottle with sodium thiosulfate to neutralise upto 10ppm chlorine, for microbial analysis of swimming pool water. | 250ml | ₹50 | |
SBTW | Sterile Bottle with Thiosulfate for Wastewater. | Sterile polypropylene bottle with sodium thiosulfate to neutralise upto 15ppm chlorine, for microbial analysis of wastewater. | 250ml | ₹50 | |
NPT | Non Pyrogenic Tube | Non-pyrogenic glass tube to collect water sample for bacterial endotoxin test (BET) i.e. LAL assay. | 14ml | ₹100 | |
Clean Bottles Prepared / Provided by the Chemical Laboratory (ChemLab): | |||||
CBWS | Clear Bottle for Water sample - standard volume, 1000ml (1L) | Clean and dry clear polypropylene bottle to collect water sample for physical and chemical analysis, 1 Litre. | 1.0L | ₹100 | |
CBWM | Clear Bottle for Water sample - Medium volume, 500 ml | Clean and dry clear polypropylene bottle to collect water sample for physical and chemical analysis, 0.5 Litre. | 0.5L | ₹100 | |
ABWS | Amber Bottle for Water sample - standard volume, 1L | Amber colour, clean & dry polypropylene bottle to collect water sample for chemical analysis, 1000 ml (1L). | 1.0L | ₹150 | |
S2DB | 100ml Bottle with Sulfide Fixing Reagents. | 100-ml graduated screw cap reagent bottle containing 0.20 ml 2M zinc acetate & 0.15 ml 6N NaOH. | 100ml | ₹400 | |
ES2DB | 100ml Bottle with Extra Sulfide Fixing Reagents. | 100-ml graduated screw cap reagent bottle containing 0.40 ml 2M zinc acetate & 0.15 ml 6N NaOH for collection of high-sulfide water sample. | 100ml | ₹400 | |
DOSK | BOD Bottle + DO Fixing Reagents. | Stoppered glass bottle and fixing reagents to collect water sample for testing of dissolved oxygen in laboratory. See DO Sample Collection Guide.* | 300ml | ₹500 | |
Notes: ! Bottle deposit (BD) will be adjusted towards test service charges. In case of shortfall in return of reusable ice packs, fixing reagent kits, etc provided with the sample collection bottle, there would be prorata reduction in adjustment of bottle deposit. No separate charge for bottles, if concerned test charges are paid in advance while collecting the bottle. However, additional charges will be collected, in case of shortfall in return of reusable ice packs, fixing reagent kits, etc. * The same bottle is used in laboratory for BOD testing, hence the name. However, we are using this airtight bottle to prevent exchange of atmospheric oxygen with the sample, during transport to laboratory. Bottle with fixed sample and unused fixing reagents must be returned to laboratory for adjustment of bottle deposit. In case of shortfall, prorata reduction in adjustment of bottle deposit. |
Onsite Sample Collection Service:
We provide onsite sample collection service in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) area. A trained Water Quality Investigator (WQI) or a Water Safety Surveyor (WSS) will visit your place, collect sample and gather relevant information about the source, intermediate storage if any, and your concerns.
Please note that test reports will be delivered by email or WhatsApp. Hence, please ensure to write your email address and/or WhatsApp number, legibly on the Test Requisition letter. You may also visit the IHS Laboratory and collect printed reports from the Front Office. If you would like to receive the report by any courier service, please pay additional cost of courier charges.
SvCd | Collection Service Name | Details | 1st Sample |
2nd Sample |
3rd Sample |
CSC | Core city Sample Collection | Collection of drinking water / borewell water / swimming pool samples Within Hyderabad District Limits. | ₹300 | ₹100 | ₹100 |
GSC | Greater Hyderabad Sample Collection | Collection of drinking water / borewell / swimming pool water samples outside Hyderabad District but within GHMC Limits. | ₹500 | ₹100 | ₹100 |
DLSC | DiaLysis water Sample Collection | Collection of dialysis water samples. | CC: ₹500 GH: ₹700 |
₹200 | ₹200 |
DOSC | DO - water sample Collection | Collection & fixing of dissolved oxygen samples. | CC: ₹400 GH: ₹600 |
₹200 | ₹200 |
S2DC | Sulfide sample Collection | Collection & fixing of sulfide in water samples. | CC: ₹400 GH: ₹600 |
₹200 | ₹200 |
OSC | Other Area Sample Collection | Outside GHMC Limits. | Special Estimate | ||
Note: For 4 or more samples from the same site, each block of up to 3 samples is treated as separate for computation of sample collection charge. Swimming pool samples for PWC and PWB ordered along with Poolside test (PST) are treated as 2nd and 3rd sample. |