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Chemical @ IHS Laboratory (ChemLab).

Chemlab Physical

Photo of chemlab physical measurements station

Chemlab Titration Station

Photo of chemlab titration station

Chemlab Titration Station

Another photo of chemlab titration station

The ChemLab is equipped to analyse and test for various physical and general chemical parameters in water from different sources.

The physical parameter station is equipped with nephelometer, pH meter, electrical conductivity meter, water baths, hot air oven, desiccator, analytical balance, suction pump, and filter assemblies. Sensory parameters such as odour and apparent colour are assessed by trained laboratory personnel. Occasionally, in case of doubt expanded smell panels are constituted by recruiting staff members from other areas of the Institute.

The titration station is equipped with Class A borosilicate volumetric glassware, including automatic burettes for manual titration. Volumetric glassware is calibrated periodically. NIST traceable laboratory reagents are used as titrants, for preparation of the analyte and as indicators. The laboratory is equipped for acid-base, redox, precipitation, and complexometric titrations.

The photometry station is equipped with visible and ultraviolet spectrophotometers. Standard solutions prepared from NIST traceable laboratory reagents are used to estimate standards curves. Absorptions and/or transmittance of light in appropriate wavelength of blanks and analytes helps in assuring validity of test results and estimation of parameter value from standard curves. The flame photometer is calibrated in every session with standard solutions.

The laboratory is equipped with digestor and incubator for estimation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).

ChemLab - Scope of Service

Sl SvCd Parameter Test Material Test Method in Brief
APP Apparent Colour Drinking Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 4) - 2021 Apparent colour. Observed colour of unfiltered sample i.e. before removal of turbidity.
CLR Colour Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water. IS 3025 (Part 4) - 2021 True color. Visual comparison with standard chloroplatinate solution.
ODR Odour Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water. IS 3025 (Part 5) - 2018 Odour. Observation by lab personnel and in case of doubt by an expanded smell panel. Report true odour for e.g., chlorinous, stale, soapy, earthy, foul, rotten egg, sewage, drainage, burnt sugar, aromatic, perfume, medicinal, phenyl, turpentine, solvent, petroleum, kerosene, or any other specific odour. If exact nature of odour cannot be identified, report as agreeable or disagreeable.
NTU Turbidity Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water. IS 3025 (Part 10) - 2023 Turbidity. Calibrate nephelometer/turbidimeter using secondary formazine standard procured from instrument manufacturer (preferable) or commercial suspension of turbidity standard, as per procedure in the instrutcion manual. Shake sample to disperse solids. Wait until air bubbles disappear. Pour sample into clear two-side cuvette and read NTUs from the Turbidimeter/Nephelometer.
PHV pH value Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 11) - 2022 / ISO 10523 - 2008: Electrometric method, pH at 25℃. Measure by pH meter with built-in temperature sensing and auto correction. Set-up to "Basic Mode" for pH. Calibrate at ≥3-points, with standard buffer solutions and following procedure in the instruction manual. Rinse electrode with distilled/deionised water, before each measurement. If feasible, plan for pH measurement first, and insert electrode directly into the sample bottle. Otherwise, pour a portion of sample into a small plastic beaker and immerse pH electrode fully but not touching the bottom. Gently stir the sample with a probe and press "measure". Wait till stable reading is achieved. In case of doubt, repeat the rinse and measure process until succesive sample readings are within 0.1 pH unit of each other. [Notes: During operation hours, rest electrode in a beaker containing electrode cleaning solution. After operation hours, rinse the electrode in cleaning solution and store in a container with pH storage solution.]
ECS Electrical Conductivity aka Specific Conductance Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 14) - 2013, RA 2023: Measure by conductivity meter with four-ring potentiometric probe & built-in temperature sensor. Make sure the instrument is set-up to "Basic Mode" for EC and the the probe is configured to automatic temperature compensation and reference temperature is set to 25°C and EC range is set to "Auto". Calibrate the instrument with with KCl standard solutions, as per the instruction manual. Pour sample in plastic beaker. Rinse the probe in distilled/deionised water and suspend it in the sample, allowing at least one inch gap from the sides & bottom of the container. Read result and note displayed unit of measurement. Caution! The instrument automatically switches the unit of measurement from µS (micro Siements) to mS (milli Siemens), based on measured condutivity.
TDSG Total Dissolved Solids Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 16) - 2023. Gravimetry: Filtered sample is evaporated in a tared dish on water-bath and residue is dried at 180℃ ± 2℃ to constant mass. [Note: Drying for 1 h to 2 h eliminates necessity of checking for constant mass.]
TSS Total Suspended Solids Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2540-D Vacuum filtration of measured volume through 1.6µm dia:47mm glass fibre filter, dried at 105°C, cool in desiccator and weigh.
TSC Total Solid Components Total Solids by Gravimetry + Total Suspended Solids.
TSD Total Solids, Dried at 104±1°C. Drinking Water, Wastewater. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2540-B Total Solids Dried from 103 to 105°C. Heat clean evaporating dish at 104±1°C for ≥1h, cool to ambient temperature and store in desiccator/oven, until needed. Determine sample volume to yield between 2.5 and 200mg dried residue. Evaporate measured volume of sample in a prewieghed dish using steam bath, hot plate or drying over. Adjust temperature to avoid splattering. Dry the evaporated sample at 104±1°C for ≥1h. Cool the dish in a desiccator to ambient temperature and weigh. Repeat the drying for ≥1h, colling, desiccating, and weighing cycle until weigh change is <0.5 mg.
FACL Free Available Chlorine aka Free Residual Chlorine. Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Water for Food Processing. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 4500-Cl G. DPD Colorimetric method. Photometric measurement by Chlorine Colorimeter, using DPD, 1A & 1B free chlorine reagent solutions (liquid kit) or instrument grade tablets and follow steps in colorimeter quick guide or refer the user manual, as required.
TCL Total Chlorine Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Water for Medicinal Purposes. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 4500-Cl G. DPD Colorimetric method. Photometric measurement by Chlorine Colorimeter, using DPD 3 total chlorine reagent solution (liquid kit) or tablet and follow steps in colorimeter quick guide or refer the user manual, as required.
FRCV Free Residual Chlorine by Visual comparison. Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Water for Food Processing. DPD indicator method by visual comparison with reference DPD colour chart/comparator.
PALK Phenolphthalein Alkalinity aka P Alkalinity Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water. IS 3025 (Part 23) - 2023: Do not filter, dilute, concentrate, or alter the sample. Clear samples: If required, dechlorinate sample with 1-drop of 0.1N Na2S2O3. If pH>8.3, titrate with 0.02N standard sulfuric acid using phenolphthalein indicator. Coloured or turbid samples: Titrate using a potentiometer instead of indicators.
MALK M -Alkalinity Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 23) - 2023: Do not filter, dilute, concentrate, or alter the sample. Clear samples: If required, dechlorinate sample with 1-drop of 0.1N Na2S2O3. Titrate with 0.02N standard H2SO4, using mixed indicator. Coloured or turbid samples: Titrate using a potentiometer instead of indicators. If  T-Alk ≥500 mg/l as CaCO3, dilute the sample and repeat test.
ALK Total Alkalinity P-Alkalinity + M -Alkalinity Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 23) - 2023: Do not filter, dilute, concentrate, or alter the sample. Clear samples: If required, dechlorinate sample with 1-drop of 0.1N Na2S2O3. If pH>8.3, titrate for P-alk first. Then titrate with 0.02N standard H2SO4, using mixed indicator. Coloured or turbid samples: Titrate using a potentiometer instead of indicators. If  T-Alk ≥500 mg/l as CaCO3, dilute the sample and repeat test.
ACD Acidity Construction Water IS 3025 (Part 22) - 2024: Color Indicator & Potentiometric Titration: Use CO2-free distilled water to prepare all reagents. If required, pretreat acidified (pH≤4.0) sample by adding H2O2 and boiling for 2 min. Titrate with 0.02N NaOH to pH=8.3, using phenolphthalein indicator for acidity. For samples with pH<3.7, tirate to pH=3.7, using methyl oragne as indicator.
TWH Total Water Hardness Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 21) - 2009, RA 2023, EDTA method. Complexometric titration (chelatometry) of measured water sample in alkaline buffer (pH ≅10) with standard EDTA solution (complexing agent); using EBT as indicator. Pretreatment of wastewater and highly polluted water samples with HNO3 digestion: Digest measured aliquot of the sample with 3 ml conc. HNO3 on hot plate, avoid boiling, and evaporate to near dryness. Repeat digestion with HNO3 till digestate is light in colour. Add 5 ml 1:1 HCl and warm to dissolve residue. Cool and make up to initial volume and proceed with complexometric titration. Water with low hardness ≤5 mg/L: Use microburette and increase sample volume.
CAH Calcium Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Medicinal Purposes, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 40) : 2024, sec 5: Complexometric titration of strongly alkalized sample (pH: 12 to 13) with EDTA; using P&R reagent as indicator. If alkalinity ≤ 300mg/L take 50 ml sample, else take 25 ml & dilute to 50ml, in a beaker. Add 2.0ml NaOH solution to adjust 12≥ pH ≤13. Add a pinch of P&R indicator mixture and immediately titrate with standard EDTA. Confirm end-point by adding 1-2 drops of titrant in excess to ensure, there is no further colour change. Calcium hardness (as CaCO3), mg/L = [(A × B × 1000) ÷ V]; Where A = volume in ml of EDTA solution used to reach titration end-point, B = mass, in mg, of Ca equivalent ot 1 ml EDTA solution, and V = sample volume, in ml, taken for the test.
CLC Calcium as Ca2+ mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Medicinal Purposes, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 40) : 2024, sec 5: Complexometric titration of strongly alkalized sample (pH: 12 to 13) with EDTA; using P&R reagent as indicator. If alkalinity ≤ 300mg/L take 50 ml sample, else take 25 ml & dilute to 50ml, in a beaker. Add 2.0ml NaOH solution to adjust 12≥ pH ≤13. Add a pinch of P&R indicator mixture and immediately titrate with standard EDTA. Confirm end-point by adding 1-2 drops of titrant in excess to ensure, there is no further colour change. Calcium hardness (as CaCO3), mg/L = [(A × B × 400.8) ÷ V]; Where A = volume in ml of EDTA solution used to reach titration end-point, B = mass, in mg, of Ca equivalent ot 1 ml EDTA solution, and V = sample volume, in ml, taken for the test.
MGM Magnesium as Mg2+ mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Medicinal Purposes, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 46) : 2024, sec 6: Volumetric method. Determine total (Ca & Mg) hardness by complexometric titration of alkalized sample (pH ≅10) with EDTA; using EBT indicator. Determine calcium hardness by complexometric titration of strongly alkalized sample (pH: 12 to 13) with EDTA; using P&R indicator. Mg hardness = Total hardness - Calcium hardness (all expressed as CaCO3). Magnesium as Mg2+ mg/L = 0.243 × Mg hardness as CaCO3 mg/L
NH3T Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N) by Titrimetric method Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 34/Sec 1):2023, 5.3 Titrimetric Method using Rapid Steam Distillation (RSD)Apparatus.
Step-1, Sample Preparation: Steam out distillation apparatus using alkalinized borate buffer solution as in clause 5.2.1. Select sample volume (V). If V≤100ml, use 250 Kjeldahl distillation tube. Else, use 400 ml tube. If RC>0, add 1-drop of 0.1N Na2S2O3 to dechlorinate.
Step-2, Distillation: Add 25 ml borate buffer solution, then 6 N NaOH until pH=9.5. Add a few glass beads. Dilute with ammonia free water as required. Distill in RSD Apparatus. Collect distillate in conical flask containing 50 ml indicating boric acid solution, as the absorbent (ammonia trapping solution).
Step-3,Titration: Titrate with 0.02 N H2SO4 until the indicator turns pale lavender and calculate NH3-N as per
NH3P Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N) by Phenate method Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 34/Sec 1):2023, 5.4 Phenate Method.
Step-1, Indophenol Colour Development: Take 25-ml sample in a 50-ml flask, add, 1-ml phenol solution & mix well. Then add 1-ml of 0.5%-sodium nitropruside solution & mix well. Finally and 2.5-ml oxidizing solution & mix well. Cover the flask with plastic wrap and let it stand at room temp (22°C to 27°C) under subdued light, at least for 1 hour.
Step-2, spectrophotometry: Measure absorbance at 640 nm and compute result wrt to concerned standard curve.
TKN Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Drinking Water, Wastewater. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 4500-NOrg B, using Block Digester and Rapid Steam Distillation (RSD) Apparatus.
Step-1, Block Digestion: Select sample volume (V). If V≤100ml, use 250 Kjeldahl distillation tube. Else, use 400 ml tube. Add required Kjeldahl catalyst to empty tube first, then add required sample V. Thereafter, slowly add required concentrated H2SO4. Digest in Block Digester until the sample becomes clear & pale green. Transfer digestion tubes to cooling rack and let the tubes cool for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse down inner sides of the digestion tube with a little bit of dH2O.
Step-2, Distillation Configure and steam out the RSD Apparatus. Fill collection vessel (250 ml conical flask) with 50 ml trapping solution and place it in distillation apparatus, such that the collection tube is submerged in the trapping solution. Insert the cooled digestion tube into the test tube holder and switch the distillation apparatus on. The distillation apparatus will automatically add sodium hydroxide - thiosulfate reagent into the distillation tube and start distillation.
Step-3, Titration: Remove collection flask and titrate with 0.02 N H2SO4 until the indicator turns pale lavender and calculate TKN as per APHA 24th ed 4500-NH3 C.5, page426.
NO2 Nitrite as NO2- mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 4500 NO2B Colorimetric method. Addition of color reagent aka Griess reagent (H3PO4 + Sulfanilamide + NEDA) to pH (5 to 9) adjusted clear sample; followed, after 10 minutes & but before 15 minutes, by spectrophotometric measurement of absorbance at 543 nm.
NO3 Nitrate as NO3- mg/L Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Medicinal Purpose, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 4500 NO3B: UV spectrophotometric absorbance at 220 nm of acidified (add 1.0 mL 1M HCl to 50 mL sample, target ph: 3-5) clear-sample; corrected for NOM absorbance, if any, at 275 nm.
NO3PDA Nitrates by PDA Method Wastewater. CPCB Guidelines for Water and Wastewater Analysis - PDA Method:.
CLD Chloride as Cl- mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Medicinal Purpose, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 32) - 1988, RA 2019, sec 2: Argentometric method aka Mohr method. Directly titrate peroxide treated, neutral or slightly alkalized (pH: 7-10) sample with standard AgNO3 solution; using K2CrO4 indicator solution.
FLD Fluoride as F- mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Medicinal Purposes, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 4500-F-D SPADNS colorimetric method. If required (e.g., municipal water with RC >0), dechlorinate with NaAsO2 solution. Adjust sample temperature within ±2°C to that used for standard curve or select temperature matched standard curve. Add Acid-zirconyl-SPADNS reagent and read absorbance at 570 nm. [Note-1: Use reagent water as blank for calibration curve and SPADNS reference solution to reset spectrophotomter for testing of samples. Note-2: The method is based on inverse colorimetric reaction between fluoride and zirconium-dye. Hence, absorbance decreases as fluoride level increases.]
SO4 Sulphate as SO42- mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Medicinal Purpose, Irrigation Water, Construction Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 24/Sec 1):2022, Turbidity method. Filter samples, if required, to remove suspended solids. Use 1-in-10 dilution of sample. Add buffer solution - A and mix on magnetic stirrer at constant speed, using identical size & shape of stirrer bars/beads. Add dry BaCl2 crystals and continue stirring for 30 seconds. Measure turbidity, in nephelometer, at 30 second intervals for 5 minutes and record the maximum reading obtained in the 5 minute period. If result ≤10mg/L, then repeat test using undiluted i.e., direct sample. If result ≥400mg/L, then repeat test using higher dilution of sample. [Buffer Solution - A for sulfate analysis: (30g magnesium chloride + 5g sodium acetate + 1g potassium nitrate + 20ml acetic acid) in 1000 ml distilled water.]
S2D Sulfide Drinking Water, Wastewater. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 4500-S2- F. Iodometric Method.
Step-0, Fixing of Sulfide at Sample Collection: Use "S2DB: Sample Collection Bottle for Sulfide in Water/Wastewater" to collect sample. In case of high sulfide water (S2- > 64mg/L), use extra strength sample collection bottle (ES2DB). Fill the bottle gradually but completely, leaving no headspace and avoiding any turbulence. Close cap & mix by shaking back and forth horizontally. Pack & transport to laboratory.
Step-1, Pretreatment: Ascertain, if sample was stabilized in the field within 15 minutes of collection. Record status. Step-1A, Sample stabilized in field:. Let the bottle stand for 30 minutes for the precipitates to settle to the bottom. OR Step-1B, Raw sample not stabilized in field: Add 0.20 ml 2M zinc acetate & 0.10 ml 6N NaOH" to the sample and mix. Check pH and add one or two more drops of 6N NaOH until pH > 9.0. Close cap and mix by shaking back and forth horizontally. Let it stand 30 minutes for precipitate to settle. Collect the precipitate in a glass fibre filter.
Step-2, React sulfide with an excess of iodine in acidic solution: Filter the pretreated sample using grade-A glass fiber filter paper, transfer the filter paper with residue (precipitate) back into the sample bottle; discard the filtrate. Add reagent water to make up 100ml. From a buret containing 0.0250 N iodine solution, measure an amount of iodine into the bottle slightly in excess of the amount required to react with the sulfide that is likely to be present in the sample. Acidify by adding 2 ml 6 N HCl. If iodine colour (brown) dissappears, add more iodine solution until the brown colour is restored.
Step-3, Back-titration: Back-titrate with 0.0250 N Na2S2O3 solution, adding a few drops of 2% w/v starch indicator solution as the endpoint is approached, and continuing until blue colour disappears. Calculate as per 4500-S2- F.3.
PO4 Phosphates Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 31/Sec 1), 2022: Stannous chloride method. Pretreat samples that turn pink to phenolphthalein indicator; by adding strong acid solution, drop by drop, to discharge colour. Dilute sample, if more than one drop of strong acid solution is required to discharge colour in 20ml sample, and repeat pretreatment. Develop colour in pretreated sample; by sequentially adding ∓ mixing ammonium molybdate, followed by stannous chloride, holding reagent temp within ± 2°C of one another and between 20°C to 30°C. Measure absorbance at 690nm in 10-12 minute interval after adding colour development reagents.
IRN Iron Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Medicinal Purpose, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 53), 2024: sec 6: 1,10 Phenanthroline, direct determination of soluble iron, method.
MNG Manganese Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 59 Formaldoxime spectrophotometry.
BRN Boron Drinking Water, Wastewater. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 4500 B Curcumin Method: Perform this test, after hardness and NO3-N test results are available. Pipet 1.0 ml of sample into a 100- to 150 ml ceramic vaporating dish. Add 4.0 ml of freshly prepared curcumin reagent to the dish and swirl gently to mix contents thoroughly. Similarly, prepare a blank with 1.0ml dH2O & 4.0ml curcumin reagent. Float dishes on water bath set at 55±2°C and evaporate for 80 minutes. Cool the dishes to room temperature, and add 10 ml 95% ethyl alcohol or 95% IPA, stir gently with a polythene rod to ensure the complete dissolution of the red-coloured product. Wash contents into a 25 ml volumetric flask, using 95% ethyl/isopropyl alcohol. Make up to 25ml mark with 95% ethyl/isopropyl alcohol. If the final solution is turbid Or hardness > 100 mg as CaCO3 Or NO3-N > 20 mg/L, then filter the solution using Whatman No-30 or equivalent. Measure spectrophotometric absorbance of the filtrate or unfiltered solution at 540 nm and compute result wrt to concerned standard curve.
NAT Sodium Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Medicinal Purpose, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 45 sec 5 Flame photometry.
KAL Potassium Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Medicinal Purpose, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 45) sec 5 Flame photometry.
SIW Silica in Water Drinking Water, Wastewater. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 4500 SiO2 C Molybdosilicate Method:
DOT Dissolved Oxygen by Titration Wastewater IS 3025 part 38 Titrimetry (Winkler) method, with azide modficiation / alum flocculation depending on the level of turbidity/TSS.
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand Wastewater IS 3025 part 58. Closed reflux titrimetry: Reflux digestion of sample with known amount of potassium dichromate and sulfuric acid medium at 150℃ for 2-hours and titration of excess potassium dichromate.
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand Wastewater IS 3025 part 44 oxygen consumed after 3-day incubation at 27℃ in air-tight BOD-bottle.
TOG Total Oil & Grease Irrigation Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 39 sec 5 Liquid-liquid partition gravimetry using hexane as solvent.
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Computed Ratios & Parameters:

These ratios and parameters are derived from test result of parameters accredited by NABL. The computations are in accordance with respective test method / product specifications.

Sl SvCd Parameter Test Material Computation Method
CLM Chloramines (Combined Chlorine) Drinking Water, Swimming Pool Water. Total Chlorine - Free Residucal Chlorine.
TSC Total Solids, Calculated Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. Total Dissolved Solids (IS 3025 part 16 Gravimetry) + Total Suspended Solids (APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2540-D).
CAlk Carbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 23) - 2023, Table 1: If (PAlk=0 OR PAlk=TAlk) then CAlk=0; Else
If (PAlk < ½TAlk) then CAlk=2×PAlk; Else
If(PAlk=½TAlk) then CAlk=TAlk; Otherwise CAlk = 2 × (TAlk - PAlk).
CO3-2 Carbonate Ion as CO3-2 meq/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, CO3-2 meSurface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. CO3-2 = [(CAlk × 0.59956 × 0.03333) meq/L] ≈ (CAlk ÷ 50) meq/L,
CO3-2 = [(CAlk × 0.59956 × 0.03333) ÷ 2] mmol/L &
CO3-2 = [(CAlk × 0.59956) mg/L.
HCO3Alk Bicarbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 23) - 2023, Table 1: If (PAlk=0) then HCO3Alk=TAlk; Else
If (PAlk < ½TAlk) then HCO3Alk=(TAlk-2×PAlk); Otherwise HCO3Alk = 0.
HCO3-1 Bicarbonate Ion as HCO3-1 as meq/L, mmol/L Or mg/L. Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. HCO3-1 as meq/L = (HCO3Alk as CaCO3 mg/L ÷ 50) meq/L,
HCO3-1 as meq/L = HCO3-1 as mmol/L;
HCO3-1 as mg/L = (HCO3Alk as CaCO3 mg/L × 1.22) mg/L.
OHAlk Hydroxide Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 23) - 2023, Table 1: If (PAlk=0 OR PAlk≤TAlk) then OHAlk=0; Else
If (PAlk > ½TAlk) then OHAlk=(2×PAlk - TAlk); Otherwise OHAlk = TAlk.
CO3H Carbonate Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 21) - 2009, RA 2023, sec 7.2.1 using test results for alkalinity and hardness: If (TWH > TAlk) then CO3H=TAlk; Otherwise CO3H=TWH.
NCO3H mg/L Non-carbonate Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 21) - 2009, RA 2023, sec 7.2.2 using test results for alkalinity and hardness: NCO3H = (TWH - TAlk).
NNN (Nitrite + Nitrate) Nitrogen mg/L Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water. (NO2 + NO3)-N mg/L = [(NO2 × 0.30446) + (NO3 × 0.2259)] mg/L.
SAR Sodium Adsorption Ratio Irrigation Water. IS 11624 - 2019 RA 2023; IS 3025 (Parts 40 Calcium, 45 Sodium, and 46 Magnesium). Estimate Na+Ca2+ and Mg2+ in mg/L as per IS 3025 parts 45, 40 & 46 respectively. Convert to mEq: Calcium 1.0 mg/L = 0.0499 mEq/L; Magnesium 1.0 mg/L = 0.0823 mEq/L; and Sodium 1.0 mg/L = 0.0435 mEq/L. Calculate: SAR = [Na / √ ½ (Ca+Mg)], inputting values in mEq/L.
RSC Residual Sodium Carbonate as meq/L. Irrigation Water. IS 11624, 2019, RA 2023, sec 5.1.4; using inputs computed from test results for alkalinity, calcium & magnesium: RSC = (CO3-2 + HCO3-1) - [(0.0499 × Ca2+ mg/L) + (0.08229 × Mg2+ mg/L)].
MgCaR Magnesium Calcium (Mg/Ca) Ratio Irrigation Water. IS 11624, 2019, RA 2023, sec 5.1.5; using inputs computed from test results for calcium & magnesium: Mg/Ca Ratio = (0.0499 × Ca2+ mg/L) ÷ (0.08229 × Mg2+ mg/L).
ClSO4R Chloride Sulfate (Cl/SO4) Ratio Irrigation Water. IS 11624, 2019, RA 2023, sec 5.1.6; using inputs computed from test results for chloride & sulfate: Cl/SO4 Ratio = (0.02821 × Cl- mg/L) ÷ (0.02082 × SO42- mg/L).
PHS Calcite (CaCO3) Saturation pH (pHs). Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2330 B. Indices indicating a water's tendency to precipitate or dissolve CaCO3 Equation 5:
pHs = {pK2 - pKs} + {-Log10(Cat)} + {-Log10(Alkt)} + {5× pfm}; Where:
pK2: precalculated 2nd dissociation constant for carbonic acid at various water temperatures as in Table 2330:2;
pKs: precalculated 2nd solubility product constant for CaCO3 at various water temperatures as in Table 2330:2;
Cat = Ca as moles/L = (Ca+2 in mg/L ÷ 40,078) ∵ 1 mol Ca = 40,078 mg
Alkt = TAlk as CaCO3 in moles/L = TAlk as CaCO3 in mg/L ÷ 100,000) ∵ 1 mol CaCO3 = 100,000 mg;
pfm = {-Log10(activity coefficient for monovalent species)} = [Constant A in Table 2330:2 for concerned water temperature × {√I ÷ (1 + √I)} - 0.3 I ], , valid for I < 0.5.
Also I = Ionic Strength ≅ (TDS ÷ 40,000).
Substituting Ionic strength formula of pfm given in Table 2330:1, Equation 5 can be rewritten as;
pHs = {pK2 - pKs} + {-Log10(Cat)} + {-Log10(Alkt)} + {5× A × [{√I ÷ (1 + √I)} - 0.3 I ]}
PHS20 Calcite (CaCO3) Saturation pH (pHs) at 20°C. Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2330 B. Indices indicating a water's tendency to precipitate or dissolve CaCO3, Equation 5:
pHs = 1.93 + {- Log10 (Ca+2 in mg/L ÷ 40,078)} + {- Log10 (TAlk as CaCO3 in mg/L ÷ 100,000)} + 2.525 × [{√(0.000025 × TDS) ÷ (1 + √(0.000025 × TDS))} - {0.0000075 × TDS)}];
∵ (pK2 - pKs) at 25°C = (10.38-8.45) = 1.93,
5 × A at 20°C in Table 2330:2 = 5 × 0.505 = 2.525, &
I ≅ (TDS ÷ 40,000) = {(1 ÷ 40,000) × TDS} = (0.000025 × TDS) & (0.3 × I) ≅ 0.3 × (0.000025 × TDS) = (0.0000075 × TDS).
PHS25 Calcite (CaCO3) Saturation pH (pHs) at 25°C. Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2330 B. Indices indicating a water's tendency to precipitate or dissolve CaCO3, Equation 5:
pHs = 1.85 + {- Log10 (Ca+2 in mg/L ÷ 40,078)} + {- Log10 (TAlk as CaCO3 in mg/L ÷ 100,000)} + 2.55 × [{√(0.000025 × TDS) ÷ (1 + √(0.000025 × TDS))} - {0.0000075 × TDS)}];
∵ (pK2 - pKs) at 25°C = (10.33-8.48) = 1.85,
5 × A at 25°C in Table 2330:2 = 5 × 0.510 = 2.55, &
I ≅ (TDS ÷ 40,000) = {(1 ÷ 40,000) × TDS} = (0.000025 × TDS) & (0.3 × I) ≅ 0.3 × (0.000025 × TDS) = (0.0000075 × TDS).
PHS30 Calcite (CaCO3) Saturation pH (pHs) at 30°C. Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2330 B. Indices indicating a water's tendency to precipitate or dissolve CaCO3, Equation 5:
pHs = 1.78 + {- Log10 (Ca+2 in mg/L ÷ 40,078)} + {- Log10 (TAlk as CaCO3 in mg/L ÷ 100,000)} + 2.57 × [{√(0.000025 × TDS) ÷ (1 + √(0.000025 × TDS))} - {0.0000075 × TDS)}];
∵ (pK2 - pKs) at 30°C = (10.29-8.51) = 1.78,
5 × A at 30°C in Table 2330:2 = 5 × 0.514 = 2.57, &
I ≅ (TDS ÷ 40,000) = {(1 ÷ 40,000) × TDS} = (0.000025 × TDS) & (0.3 × I) ≅ 0.3 × (0.000025 × TDS) = (0.0000075 × TDS).
CSI Calcite (CaCO3) Saturation Index aka Langelier Saturation Index (LSI). Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2330 B. Indices indicating a water's tendency to precipitate or dissolve CaCO3, Equation 1: SI = pH - pHs.
CSI20 Calcite (CaCO3) Saturation Index aka Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) at 20°C. Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2330 B. Indices indicating a water's tendency to precipitate or dissolve CaCO3, Equation 1: CSI25 = PHV - PHS20.
CSI25 Calcite (CaCO3) Saturation Index aka Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) at 25°C. Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2330 B. Indices indicating a water's tendency to precipitate or dissolve CaCO3, Equation 1: CSI25 = PHV - PHS25.
CSI30 Calcite (CaCO3) Saturation Index aka Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) at 30°C. Drinking Water, Groundwater, Surface Water, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water. APHA Standard Methods 24th Ed. 2330 B. Indices indicating a water's tendency to precipitate or dissolve CaCO3, Equation 1: CSI25 = PHV - PHS30.
Notes: These ratios and parameters are derived from test result of parameters accredited by NABL. The computations are in accordance with respective test method / product specifications.
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Parameters Estimated from Test Results of NABL Accredited Parameters using Empirical Models.

Sl SvCd Estimated Parameter Input Parameter(s) & Test Method Basis of Estimation
TDSE TDS Estimate IS 3025 part 14 Direct determination using calibrated electrical conductivity meter. Although, EC and TDS are both indicators of salinity, their relationship is not linear. The EC to TDS ratio ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 for fresh and natural waters; and is usually higher (0.7 to 0.89) in case of brackish or seawater (Rusydi, 2018*).
Notes: These estimations use accredited test result(s) as inputs and appropriate empirical models as mentioned under the "Basis ..." column.
*Rusydi Anna F. 2018. Correlation between conductivity and total dissolved solid in various type of water: A review. Earth and Environment Science. 2018; 118:
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Parameters Under Practice, Not Included in Scope of NABL Accreditation.

Sl SvCd Under Practice Parameter Test Material Test Method in Brief
4OD Oxygen Absorbed in 4 Hours at 37°C. Swimming pool water & Wastewater. IS 3025 (Part 63), 2007, RA 2023: Mix the sample well and take 250 ml into a 400-ml glass-stoppered bottle. Add 10 ml dilute H2SO4, and a measured volume of standard KMNO4 solution. Mix gently and place in a waterbath or incubator at 37±1°C for 4h. In case of turbid samples containing suspended matter, gently mix the incubating bottle several times during 4h period. At the end of 4h, cool to 15°C, add a few crystals of potassium iodide and starch indicator. Titrate in the bottle with standard sodium thiosulphate solution.
Notes: These tests are under practice.
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Onsite and Sampling Measurements:

Sl SvCd Parameter Test Material Test Method
SWTMP Surface Water Temperature Onsite measurement of temperature in surface water bodies such as lakes & reservoirs.
BWTMP Borewell Water Temperature Onsite measurement of borewell water temperature.
PoolT Pool Temperature Swimming pool water
SBTmp Sample Bottle - Temperature External temperature of water sample bottle at the time of receipt in laboratory.

Water Sample Collection Bottles for Chemical Analysis:

Sl SBCd Bottle Name Details Volume
CBWS Clear Bottle for Water sample - standard volume, 1000ml (1L) Clean and dry clear polypropylene bottle to collect water sample for physical and chemical analysis, 1 litre. 1.0L
CBWM Clear Bottle for Water sample - Medium volume, 500 ml Clean and dry clear polypropylene bottle to collect water sample for physical and chemical analysis, ½ litre. 500ml
ABWS Amber Bottle for Water sample - standard volume, 1L Amber colour, clean & dry polypropylene bottle to collect water sample for chemical analysis, 1000 ml (1L). 1.0L
BODB BOD Bottle Clean and dry stoppered glass bottle to collect water sample for testing dissolved oxygen. 300ml
DOSK BOD Bottle + DO Fixing Reagents. Stoppered glass bottle and fixing reagents to collect water sample for testing of dissolved oxygen in laboratory. See DO Sample Collection Guide.* 300ml
S2DB 100ml Bottle with Sulfide Fixing Reagents. 100-ml graduated screw cap reagent bottle containing 0.20 ml 2M zinc acetate & 0.15 ml 6N NaOH. 100ml
ES2DB 100ml Bottle with Extra Sulfide Fixing Reagents. 100-ml graduated screw cap reagent bottle containing 0.40 ml 2M zinc acetate & 0.15 ml 6N NaOH for collection of high-sulfide water sample. 100ml
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