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Chemical @ IHS Laboratory (ChemLab).

Chemlab Physical

Photo of chemlab physical measurements station

Chemlab Titration Station

Photo of chemlab titration station

Chemlab Titration Station

Another photo of chemlab titration station

The ChemLab is equipped to analyse and test for various physical and general chemical parameters in water from different sources.

The physical parameter station is equipped with nephelometer, pH meter, electrical conductivity meter, water baths, hot air oven, desiccator, analytical balance, suction pump, and filter assemblies. Sensory parameters such as odour and apparent colour are assessed by trained laboratory personnel. Occasionally, in case of doubt expanded smell panels are constituted by recruiting staff members from other areas of the Institute.

The titration station is equipped with Class A borosilicate volumetric glassware, including automatic burettes for manual titration. Volumetric glassware is calibrated periodically. NIST traceable laboratory reagents are used as titrants, for preparation of the analyte and as indicators. The laboratory is equipped for acid-base, redox, precipitation, and complexometric titrations.

The photometry station is equipped with visible and ultraviolet spectrophotometers. Standard solutions prepared from NIST traceable laboratory reagents are used to estimate standards curves. Absorptions and/or transmittance of light in appropriate wavelength of blanks and analytes helps in assuring validity of test results and estimation of parameter value from standard curves. The flame photometer is calibrated in every session with standard solutions.

The laboratory is equipped with digestor and incubator for estimation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).

NABL Symbol

The IHS Laboratory is accredited by the National Board of Accreditation for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) India.

Lab Id: T-4179; Certificate Number: TC-7658; Issue Date: 06-08-2022; Valid Until: 05-08-2024.

About 30 general and chemical parameters for testing of various types of water such as groundwater, surface water, drinking water, packaged drinking water, water from purifier, water for dialysis, purified water, irrigation water, swimming pool water, water for processed food industry, construction water, industrial water, and waste water are within the scope of NABL accreditation.

The IHS Laboratory is gradually developing itself as an easily accessible Public Health Laboratory for laboratory tests that are relevant to safeguarding and improvement of people’s health. Keeping with this objective, new test services are introduced to meet felt needs. The IHSL follows sound quality assurance mechanisms and adopts standard test methods for all tests including newly introduced tests. However, immediate accreditation by NABL may not be feasible, for various reasons. Thus, at any point of time, the laboratory would have a set of NABL accredited parameters, and other parameters for which NABL accreditation is not yet available. To avoid any misrepresentation, the IHSL we adopt a strict policy of using NABL symbol in test reports only if all test results included in the report are within the scope the accreditation. For more details see;
The IHSL Policy for Use of NABL Symbol and Claim of NABL Accreditation on Test Reports.

ChemLab - Scope of Service

Test Parameters Accredited by NABL, vide certificate number TC-7658, date 06-08-2022, valid until 05-08-2024.

Sl SvCd Parameter Test Material Test Method
CLR Colour Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water. IS 3025 part 4 sec 2 Platinum cobalt visual comparison method, sec 2.7.1; Apparent colour & 2.7.2: True color.
ODR Odour Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water, Construction Water. IS 3025 part 5 Qualitative observation by lab personnel and in case of doubt by an expanded smell panel.
NTU Turbidity Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water. IS 3025 part 10 Turbidimetry (Nephelometry).
POH pH value Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 11 electrometric method, pH at 25℃.
ECS Electrical Conductivity Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 14 Direct determination using calibrated electrical conductivity meter.
TDSG Total Dissolved Solids Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 16 Gravimetry: Filtered sample is evaporated in a tared dish on water-bath and residue is dried to constant mass at 105℃.
TSS Total Suspended Solids Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. APHA / AWWA Standard Methods 23rd Ed. - 2540-D dried at 105°C.
FRC Free Residual Chlorine Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing.
See Introduction to Chlorine Residual Testing
APHA / AWWA Standard Methods 23rd Ed. - 4500-ClG, DPD colorimetric method.
TCL Totoal Chlorine Swimming Pool Water, Water for Dialysis. APHA / AWWA Standard Methods 23rd Ed. - 4500-ClG, DPD colorimetric method.
ALK Total Alkalinity aka M Alkalinity Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 23 Titration with standard sulfuric acid using mixed indicator.
PALK Phenolphthalein Alkalinity aka P Alkalinity Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Packaged Drinking Water, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water, Construction Water. IS 3025 part 23 Titration of samples that have pH > 8.3, with standard sulfuric acid using phenolphthalein indicator.
ACD Acidity Construction Water IS 3025 part 22 sec 8.1 Indicator method: Titration with standard sodium hydroxide using phenolphthalein indicator for acidity at 8.3pH. For samples with pH<3.7, tiration using methyl oragne as indicator for acidity at pH 3.7.
TWH Total Hardness Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 21 EDTA method: Titration with EDTA using Eriochrome black T as indicator.
CLC Calcium Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Irrigation Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 40 sec 5 EDTA titrimetric method.
MGM Magnesium Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 46 sec 6 Volumetric method using EDTA titration.
NH3 Ammoniacal Nitrogen Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Package Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Irrigation Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 34 sec 2.4 Nesslerization & photometry.
NO2 Nitrites Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water. APHA / AWWA Standard Methods 23rd Ed. - 4500 NO2B Colorimetric method.
NO3 Nitrates Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water. APHA / AWWA Standard Methods 23rd Ed. - 4500 NO3B Ultraviolet spectrophotometric screening.
CLD Chlorides Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 32 sec 2 Argentometric method.
FLD Fluoride Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water. APHA / AWWA Standard Methods 23rd Ed. - 4500-F-D SPADNS colorimetric method.
SO4 Sulphates Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Irrigation Water, Construction Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 24 sec 4 Turbidity method.
PO4 Phosphates Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 31 Sec 4 Stanous chloride method.
IRN Iron Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 53 sec 6: 1,10 Phenanthroline, direct determination of soluble iron, method.
MNG Manganese Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 59 Formaldoxime spectrophotometry.
NAT Sodium Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 45 sec 5 Flame photometry.
KAL Potassium Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Irrigation Water, Industrial Water, Wastewater. IS 3025 part 45 sec 5 Flame photometry.
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand Wastewater IS 3025 part 44 oxygen consumed after 3-day incubation at 27℃ in air-tight BOD-bottle.
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand Wastewater IS 3025 part 58. Closed reflux titrimetry: Reflux digestion of sample with known amount of potassium dichromate and sulfuric acid medium at 150℃ for 2-hours and titration of excess potassium dichromate.
DOT Dissolved Oxygen by Titration Wastewater IS 3025 part 38 Titrimetry (Winkler) method, with azide modficiation / alum flocculation depending on the level of turbidity/TSS.
TOG Total Oil & Grease Wastewater IS 3025 part 39 sec 5 Liquid-liquid partition gravimetry using hexane as solvent.
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Parameters Computed from Test Results of Parameters Accredited by NABL.

Sl SvCd Parameter Test Material Test Method
CCL Combined Chlorine Drinking Water, Swimming Pool Water. Total Chlorine - Free Residucal Chlorine.
TSW Total Solids in Water Groundwater, Surface Water, Drinking Water, Water from Purifiers, Packaged Drinking Water, Water for Food Processing, Water for Dialysis, Swimming Pool Water, Industrial Water, Construction Water, Irrigation Water, Wastewater. Total Dissolved Solids (IS 3025 part 16 Gravimetry) + Total Suspended Solids (APHA / AWWA Standard Methods 23rd Ed. - 2540-D).
CBH Carbonate Hardness IS 3025 part 21 sec 7.2.1 using test results for alkalinity and hardness.
NCH Non-carbonate Hardness IS 3025 part 21 sec 7.2.2 using test results for alkalinity and hardness.
Notes: These computations are in accordance with respective test method specifications within the scope of NABL accreditation of IHS Laboratory.
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Parameters Estimated from Test Results of NABL Accredited Parameters using Empirical Models.

Sl SvCd Estimated Parameter Input Parameter(s) & Test Method Basis of Estimation
TDSE TDS Estimate IS 3025 part 14 Direct determination using calibrated electrical conductivity meter. Although, EC and TDS are both indicators of salinity, their relationship is not linear. The EC to TDS ratio ranges from 0.5 to 0.75 for fresh and natural waters; and is usually higher (0.7 to 0.89) in case of brackish or seawater (Rusydi, 2018*).
Notes: These estimations use accredited test result(s) as inputs and appropriate empirical models as mentioned under the "Basis ..." column.
*Rusydi Anna F. 2018. Correlation between conductivity and total dissolved solid in various type of water: A review. Earth and Environment Science. 2018; 118:

Water Sample Collection Bottles for Chemical Analysis:

SBCd Bottle Name Details Volume
CBWS Clear Bottle for Water sample - standard volume, 1000ml (1L) Clean and dry clear polypropylene bottle to collect water sample for physical and chemical analysis, 1 litre. 1.0L
CBWM Clear Bottle for Water sample - Medium volume, 500 ml Clean and dry clear polypropylene bottle to collect water sample for physical and chemical analysis, ½ litre. 500ml
ABWS Amber Bottle for Water sample - standard volume, 1L Amber colour, clean & dry polypropylene bottle to collect water sample for chemical analysis, 1000 ml (1L). 1.0L
BODB BOD Bottle Clean and dry stoppered glass bottle to collect water sample for testing dissolved oxygen. 300ml
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