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IHSL Policy for Use of NABL Symbol and Claim of NABL Accreditation on Test Reports.

  1. Purpose: To establish the procedure for the controlling use of NABL symbol/claim of accreditation at Institute of Health Systems Laboratory (IHSL) on Test Reports.
  2. Scope: Applicable to all test reports issued by the IHS Laboratory.
  3. Policy Regarding Use of NABL Symbol and Claiming of NABL Accreditation:
    1. In accordance with NABL policy 133, the IHS Laboratory shall use NABL symbol and/or claim accreditation responsibly, so that there is no misrepresentation of NABL accreditation status in respect of any of the tested parameters covered in a report; and
    2. Wherever appropriate and NABL policy for use of NABL symbol and/or claim of accreditation is met fully, IHSL clients and consumers of test reports are assured the level of credibility and confidence associated with NABL accreditation.
    3. IHSL shall not use ILAC symbol in any of its test reports.
  4. Procedure:
    1. NABL symbol shall be used in IHSL test reports, if and only if all of the following conditions are satisfied.
      1. All tested parameters included in the test report are within the scope of NABL accreditation of the IHSL.
      2. All parameters included in the test report were tested in the accredited sections of the IHSL.
      3. The NABL accreditation referred to in clause i & ii above is valid at the time of testing and issue of report.
    2. Narrative claims of NABL accreditation, either in body, footnotes or endnotes of IHSL test reports may be made if and only if the conditions for use NABL symbol, mentioned in clause 4(a) above are fully satisfied.
    3. Neither the NABL symbol nor any narrative claim, partial or otherwise, of NABL accreditation shall be made in any report that is affected by any one of the following deficiencies:
      1. One or more of the tested parameters included in the test report is not included in the scope of NABL accreditation of the IHSL.
      2. Testing of one or more the parameters included in the test report was outsourced (subcontracted) from another laboratory.
    4. Separate reports without NABL symbol and without any claim of NABL accreditation shall be issued in respect of all cases, where one or more of the tested parameters are not included in the scope of NABL accreditation of the IHSL.
    5. Separate reports without NABL symbol and without any claim of NABL accreditation shall also be issued in respect of all cases, where one or more of the tested parameters are outsourced (subcontracted) from another laboratory.
