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Costs of Poor Health Habits (CPHH): Sedentary Life Style, Heavy Drinking, and Smoking.

About the Book...

India as well as Andhra Pradesh are experiencing an epidemiological- transition. We find that prevalence of non communicable diseases is on the rise. Poor health habits suct") as sedentary life style, smoking and binge drinking impose personal as well as external costs. Personal costs are by way of reduced life expectancy, poor quality of life, and burden on the family. External costs are on account of increased usage of health care services, , and increased risk of life to others. For example, a large number of road traffic accidents are attributable to drunken driving.


Life style changes have their role to play during this epidemiological transition due to demographic changes, industrialization and urbanization. Our ancestors led a life that involved a lot of physical activities. We can modify our life style by indulging in more physical activity, thereby maintaining our energy balance.

Undoubtedly, over the last few years, alcoholism has emerged as a major public health problem in India. Medical literature suggests that no organ in the body is immune from alcohol related harm. Alcohol has a direct association with every type of injury. For people with alcoholism, drinking becomes the primary medium through which they can deal with people, work, and life.

Smoking is a health hazard from the point of view of diseases like lung cancer, peptic ulcer, decreased fertility and cardiac ailments. Inspite of the harmful effects, people continue to smoke as smoking is portrayed either as "Macho" or as a socially desirable or glamorous activity. The benefits of stopping smoking are immense.

The Institute of Health Systems conducted a Public Health Symposium on 07 April 2002, to coincide with the World Health Day, in order to highlight three important risk factors all linked to the life style of our people. These are regular exercise, moderate drinking and no smoking. This book covers the proceedings of the Symposium in which aspects like causes, cures, costs, and policy implications of poor health habits to the society at large, and the individual in particular, were discussed.



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